From the Mommy Files…

Posts Tagged ‘stressed mom


Been away for a while dealing with my elderly parents. I’ll update you on their situation another time. So much has happened.


Let’s shift back to those small beings living in our home…our kids. 😉


Bebs is home sick today.




On Monday, I heard about this stomach bug that lasted a day, causing vomiting.

I thought, “Phew. Dodged that one!”


Spoke to soon.


We were up all  Tuesday night.sick_clipart

Just when you think you’re done changing the bed linens for the night…

You know what I’m talking about!

Bebs stayed home from school on Wednesday.


Uggh!  I had things to do!



I’ve got a very full schedule, and not including pick up/drop off, I have about 5 hours, 5 days a week without kids to accomplish it.

I’m singing your song, yes?


You’re worried, feel awful for your sick child, and you tend to him/her.


But what about the other stuff?


I began complaining about all the things that wouldn’t get done that day.


You too?


Well, there’s my trip to the gym.

I have health issues, and this helps me keep those in check, not to mention it curbs stress, improves my mood, and gives me a sense of “Yeah! I did this just for me!”

I also use that time to read.

Scratch that from the list.


Then there’s the grocery shopping, and errands.


Oh yeah, I was planning to write.


And there is, well, that part-time job.

The one that helps me to celebrate my Greek heritage and culture every day; keeps me involved in the community; gets me published regularly; has been responsible for great learning; offered me the opportunity to meet some really great people (including a mentor!); and, well, I’ve garnered some fans along the way, and their praise and encouragement feeds my ego, and eases my writer’s doubt. It’s more than a job to me.


Then there’s volunteering. These days, we must be involved in our kids’ schools.

We have to know who’s in the schools, what they’re doing, and well, if we want activities for our kids, we have to be there to organize and work them – you know. We must also be the teachers’ partners in our kids’ education.

My girls go to two different schools. And Boo attends Greek school on Saturdays.

That’s three schools/PTAs requesting my time.

And I serve on a school board.

You know those days when you have to call and cancel out on something because your child is sick, and it just happens to be the day that everyone else is canceling for the same reason? Yes. We feel guilty when that happens.


I’m doing a lot of things, but they’re all very important to me and I make the time for them.

Except on days when I have a sick child at home.




Most of the to-do list doesn’t get done, and it makes me stressed, and I’ve lost my sense of accomplishment for the day.

Those little things like checking off parts of your to-do list go a long way.


I started to complain, and then I stopped myself.


I pulled out the to-do list.  to do list (4)


Time to re-work it.


What could I accomplish with my child home?

Is there anything on tomorrow’s list that I could do at home, and shift some of the other stuff to tomorrow?


As my daughter slept, I took the opportunity to write.


I made some phone calls, did some work.




Then I switched to some household tasks.

– Planned dinners, made the shopping list.

— Cleaned out a cabinet, then started to file some papers.

Those were much lower on the list, but I’m here, can’t go out, so might as well.


I couldn’t get to the store that day, so I had to plan something else for dinner with what we had.


No gym.

– Watched what and how much I ate that day.

–  Since I was stuck in the house, I made a few more trips up and down the stairs for good measure.


I moved my “outside” tasks to the next day.


When Thursday rolled around, I got up a little earlier.

– I took care of my writerly tasks before the family woke up.

– I took the kids to school, got that workout in right away – and did a little extra.

– Work

– Volunteered at Boo’s school

– Attacked those errands that I couldn’t do


Then it was time for pick up.


I actually thought I had caught up from the sick day, and was ready to attack today.




I got up at 5 (These are Golden Hours. I do whatever I want!). Wrote. Answered emails.


Then it was time to get ready for school.


Boo went to school.


Bebs didn’t feel well. Slight fever, lethargic.


Staying home…again.


As I began stressing about all the things I’d have to give up today, I stopped.


Time to re-work the schedule…again!


– Fortunately, I checked several things off the list this am.

– Gym? Nope. Extended workout on Monday.

– Lunch with a friend? Raincheck.

– Grocery shopping? Will have to wait until the evening.


That frees up some time.


What’s on tomorrow’s list?


Oh yes.

Laundry. Cleaning.

Let’s go.


I’ll be so happy tomorrow. Then I can just play!


As winter approaches, we’re all going to have those days when our kids have to stay home from school, and it throws off our day(s).

Try to remember that it’s OK to re-work your schedule.


This is a great reminder to not put things off, because you don’t know what the rest of today – or tomorrow – will bring.


It’s a reminder to prioritize.


Remember that saying, “Man makes plans and God laughs?”


It’s so true.


Life is unpredictable.


We have enough stress. Don’t add to it.


Some ideas:

– Make sure you leave some flexibility in your day.

– Schedule the most important tasks early in the day so you’re sure to accomplish them.

– Don’t put off going to the gym until tomorrow, because who knows what the day will bring, and why feel awful that you let yourself down?

– Make that trip to the grocery store today, while you can.

– Don’t leave all the errands for one day a week. Do these throughout the week, when time presents itself.


Check these off the list!


Take a moment to remind yourself that you aren’t perfect, you are a mom (or a dad), and life is unpredictable.


You know what?


You’re a superhero already.


Know why?


Cause you are MOM. Or DAD.


Plain and simple.


Give yourself a break.


Don’t stress.


Now, back to my housecleaning.

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BooBoo BeDoux

Bebs LaRoux


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